“The Chinese performance artist Brother Nut has staged a performance Project Dust. For one hundred days the artist walked around Beijing landmarks with an industrial vacuum cleaner, vacuuming the air. He then mixed the accumulated dust with red clay to create a brick.” – from Neural
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“…as an investigation on our subjective experience of the passing of time, united visual artists (UVA) has realized a large-scale installation that plays with the perception of light and space. the work continues UVA’s series of kinetic sculptures that began with ‘momentum‘ in 2013 — a ‘spatial instrument’ that revealed the relationship between expectation and awareness when intersected within a physical space.” – from Designboom
“Created by Golan Levin, David Newbury, and Kyle McDonald…Terrapattern is a visual search tool for satellite imagery. The project provides journalists, citizen scientists, and other researchers with the ability to quickly scan large geographical regions for specific visual features.” – from creative applications.
From creativeapplications: “Created by Quadrature (Jan Bernstein, Sebastian Neitsch and Juliane Götz), Kartograph is a sequel to the trio’s exploration of devices that map real time data to cultural artefacts. Whereas their previous project Satelliten maps the movement of satellites in orbit on physical maps, Kartograph updates old maps by drawing new geographic data over the infrastructure of old times using the internet.”
from pietmondriaan.com:
“‘Pretty Fly for a Wifi’ (2014) by Roel Roscam Abbing.
Pretty Fly For A Wifi is an overview of different self-made WIFI antennas. It is a combination of pots and pans, dishes and cans through which people from around the world give shape to their collective dream of making an alternative internet.”
from pietmondriaan.com:
“‘Ontem, areias movediças’ (Yesterday, Quicksands), by Renata Lucas for documenta 2012.
An invisible pyramid structure spread across Kassel, with fragments of the corners in four basements of the C&A store, a parking garage, the Fridericianum and the Gebrüder-Grimm-House. Accompanied by videos in different locations along the lines showing Kassel as a dessert-city.”
Installation view of work by Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni (photo courtesy LIAF / Jon Benjamin Tallerås) – via Hyperallergic
“Sixth film in a series of works that responds to a strict protocol: the sunset is filmed with a video camera but without any lens. Every time progress is made in image resolution and a new camera brought to the market, the film is shot once again. This process will meet its critical point when the resolution of the image overpasses the capacity of human perception.”
“Waiting for Bárðarbunga is made of hundreds of video sequences which are presented according to the evolution of a statistical model that integrates data about the state and activity of the computer that presents them : temperature of components, fan speed and energy consumption.”
“Latest in the series of mesmerising installations by ART+COM is À la recherche, a site specific installation that covers the surrounding walls of a newly refurbished legendary Les Bains nightclub in scattered points of reflected light from which the words “Re Trouve Le Temps Perdu” are composed over and over again.” – from creativeapplications
“As gamers die in a public video game server of a modified version of Counter-strike, a popular online first person shooter, the electronic solenoid valves dispense a small amount of fake blood. The trails left down the wall create a physical manifestation of virtual kills, bridging the two realities. The title is inspired by the Telefon Tel Aviv song of the same name.” – from pietmondriaan
reblogged from pietmondriaan
“… is a series of custom printed circuit boards that intercept and log data from it’s surrounding. Connected by Ethernet cables, Kilohydra anthropomorphizes a server room, a eulogy to a time where the online experience was anonymous and unknown. Information is processed but the sculpture never shares its findings.”
“Two chairs change in colour every 4th minute. What looks like two ordinary chairs on display, are in fact two totally modified replicas holding an internal water system. The changing temperature of the water affects the surface of the chairs, coated with heat-reacting paint. When the chair is cold, it is black, but when heated up it turns white.” – from pietmondriaan
‘Recorded Delivery’
A sound activated tape recorder travels overnight through the UK Post Office. The dictaphone automatically edits the 15 hour journey down to a 72min recording, capturing only the significant sounds right up until the parcel is signed for at the end, where it is to be exhibited in a self storage building.” – from pietmondriaan
“untitled” – crest tartar control gel toothpaste
“Riverbed is running.” So tweeted Studio Olafur Eliasson yesterday …riverbed in the south wing of the Louisiana Musuem of Modern Art in Denmark.” – from it’s nice that
“Here is a frame-by-frame animation of a young woman on a swing. But each of these frames is hosted on a different server belonging to their friends. This animation loop of twenty-five frames, which is the frequency per second of a video sequence, may be fluid one day. But the jerkiness in the image today speaks of the thousands of kilometres that are being travelled at the speed of light, or almost, so the carefree young girl may continue to swing. She is swinging via the use of submarine cables and satellite feeds…” – from neural.it
“The work consists of a mirror that functions normally, except for a section in the middle which ripples the image. It is precisely this imperfection that makes the art work. Viewers who approach seem to disappear, as though caught in turbulence. One thinks of the passing through the mirror scene in Orpheus by French director Jean Cocteau…” – from Neural.it
“Nineteen Eighty-Four,” is an interactive display that shows house address numbers extracted from Google Street View images. The numbers have an immense variety of fonts, colours, textures and styles, as they were scanned by Google from the front doors of buildings from all over the World. The display writes over 22 billion different combinations of the number 1984; these combinations change automatically at a speed that can be set using a dial, from one different image every ten seconds to ten images per second. At the default speed, it will take around 1,000 years for the same combination of images to be repeated.”
“Kintsugi (or kintsukuroi) is a Japanese method for repairing broken ceramics with a special lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum. The philosophy behind the technique is to recognize the history of the object and to visibly incorporate the repair into the new piece instead of disguising it. ” – from colossal
“…the installation uses principles from optics (astronomy/telescopes) and artificial neural network research to form a projection apparatus.” – from creativeapplications
from CAN: “Created by Zach Lieberman and currently on display at the Barbican’s “Digital Revolution” exhibition in London, Play the World invites visitors to perform with a keyboard that finds samples with the same note in near realtime from web radio stations around the world. For example pressing a middle C key, will play a matching C note from Nigerian sports radio or a Brazillian Bassa Nova station.”